What is RGB?How is it used?
02/04/2021What does RGB LED mean?
If you have ever used a gaming computer, a TV, or a camera, it is impossible for you not to have met with the term RGB. RGB LED means red, blue and green LEDs. RGB LED products combine these three colors to produce over 16 million hues of light. Note that not all colors are possible. Some colors are “outside” the triangle formed by the RGB LEDs. Also, pigment colors such as brown or pink are difficult, or impossible, to achieve.
What are the different types of RGB LEDs?
The following are the different types of RGB LEDs:
R/G/B/W - Has an additional white LED. This is often used where you need a pure white as well other combined colors.
RGB / 3 in 1 LED - Uses a red, a blue and a green LED chip are mounted within a common light engine and focused through a lens to produce a more uniform hue across the beam of light.
RGBW / 4 in 1 LED - similar to the RGB LED but with a warm white LED integrated in the light engine to offer more color tones.
RGBA - Has an additional amber LED chip.
RGB Products
RGB lights are used frequently, let's take a look at a few.