Increase Crane Safety With LED Warning Lights - TOPTREE
25/04/2022According to the Census of Fatal Accidents at Work (CFOI), there were 297 crane-related deaths between 2011 and 2017. Most fatal crane accidents involve overhead traveling and gantry cranes, which are inherently dangerous due to their size and heavy movement. Despite this risk, most of these accidents are now completely preventable thanks to modern warning signal technology.
One of the greatest risks of operating a crane is loads falling or being lowered while personnel are in the way. Previously, this risk was managed through communication between the crane operator and the ground teams. However, this was not a foolproof system, and a case of forgetfulness and lack of communication could have tragic consequences.
Recognizing that this serious crane safety gap needs to be closed, we have developed state-of-the-art LED crane safety and warning lights. These lights provide a special warning and indicator lamp to indicate the danger area around the load and the crane head itself. This ensures that staff on the ground know where cranes are being used and are aware of the risk of overhead loads. Ultimately, it means less liability for companies and greater peace of mind that workers are getting home to their families safe and sound every day.
This light can be installed onto your overhead crane to create an awareness of the movement of the crane and the load it is carrying. It will create a better awareness than buzzers in the work place. It will project a beam onto the ground and will move with the crane head. Pedestrian will see the light movement which will create awareness that there is heavy work going on in their area and they should take caution and move away from the area.
This Safety System is available in Red or Blue. This light comes with 2 applications, Spot Beam or Line Beam. This system is for warehousing and heavy machine applications.